
Thursday 5 January 2012

Kicking off the New Year with a... short story

But first, I must wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.

I enjoyed a lovely couple of days over Christmas itself at my in-laws and then took off to North Wales for a week with my fabulous little family.  The lack of computer and WiFi got to me in the end but it did enable me to start the following short story; the first few hundred words written long-hand in my trusty notepad.

Please let me know what you think!  (and if you spot any clangers, let me know about that too)

If it's any good, I'd like to submit it to one of the magazines that accepts this sort of story - hence it being exactly 2000 words as per guidelines - to see if its worthy of publishing.  I'll only do that though if I get enough positive feedback.  So here goes...

ETA: Now removed prior to submitting to magazines for potential publishing.


  1. Formatting looks a bit crazy on here but that's easily fixed tomorrow. My dinosaur computer crashed as soon as I published so I couldn't check it :oS

  2. What a lovely story. Was it my hormones or your writing that gave me a teary at the end? Probably both so it gets a nod from me. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Abby Green said... "Laurie, just read it - and loved it! It kept me enthralled right to the end - you've got a very engaging voice, great start to the year! x"

  4. Great story!
    Send it off now - faint heart never won fair lady.

  5. Thanks for posting this, i really enjoyed it while i ate my breakfast. I'd definitely send it off somewhere.


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