
Thursday 21 March 2013

Twenty Questions with... Michelle Smart AND A GIVEAWAY

I am delighted to welcome Michelle Smart onto my blog today, author of Tempted by Trouble, recently released by Entangled Publishing and going down an absolute storm with reviewers already.

Despite frequenting many of the same virtual hang-outs, I don’t really know all that much about Michelle, so I’m hoping a round of twenty questions will change that…

ACT ONE – all about you…

Michelle's love affair with books began as a baby when, according to her mum, she would throw her teddies out of the cot and cuddle with books instead. This love of all things wordy has never left her. A voracious reader, her tastes cross all genres. Her first experience with romance was as a child devouring copious amount of fairy tales. As her reading tastes evolved, she discovered something special--a book has the capacity to make her heart beat as if falling in love the first time.

When not reading or pretending to do the housework, Michelle loves nothing more than creating worlds of her own featuring handsome heroes and the sparkly, feisty women who refuse to take crap from them. She hopes her books can make her readers’ hearts beat a little faster, too.

1) Have you always been a writer or is it something you fell into?

I’ve always created my own stories since I was a little girl, often dreaming up whole stories in my head (with me as the heroine, natch) when I was supposed to be sleeping. I never dreamt I would grow up to be a writer though, but writing has always come as naturally to me as sleeping, eating and reading. It’s one of life’s essentials!

2) Do you have a particular writing style or ritual?

Yep – I sit at the laptop, procrastinate for an hour and then start writing. Err, that’s about it. I don’t sit down and plan a book. I remember my English teacher making us do that at school, and by the time we were allowed to actually sit down and write the thing, I’d be bored out of my tiny little mind with it. All I know before I start writing is who my characters are (I can spend hours in bed dreaming them up instead of sleeping) and what their conflict is. Everything else is kind of murky.

3) Is there a book or an author that has influenced you in your writing?

Stephen King and Jilly Cooper. Stephen King because his books are so full of character and heart (even if on occasion they scare the knickers off me) – the man is a genius, and Jilly Cooper because her books are such fun to read. Their books may be completely divergent but they both sucker me in. I am also a huge fan of the Harlequin Mills & Boon author Sarah Morgan – she can make any tried and trusted trope appear as fresh as a new born baby.

4) Is there one piece of writing (or life?) advice that has stuck with you, or that you would like to share?

My Dad has many, many sayings, but my favourite is ‘when one door closes, another slams in your face’! Forgetting the door slamming in face bit, I honestly believe that to get anywhere in this writing malarkey, you have to be stubborn and show perseverance. Just because a door closes does not mean it’s locked forever – I’m living proof of that.

5) Can you tell us three things about yourself that we probably don’t already know?

I love to paint portraits, I always have music on, and I can spend an hour every evening reading in the bath.

6) What five luxury items or gadgets would you hate to be without?

My laptop, definitely. Then my books (I’m going to lump them together as one item!), my radio, my bubble bath and my mascara.

ACT TWO – all about your new release…

Scroll down for excerpt
Socialite Pippa Rowantree has always provided excellent fodder for the UK’s gossip rags. After another unfortunate scandal sends the gossips into a feeding frenzy, her shamed family retaliates by forcing her into hiding at old family friend, Marco Capello’s lush Caribbean estate—literally the last place on earth she wants to be.
As far as Marco’s concerned, wild child Pippa has ruined his life once and he’ll be damned if he lets her do it again. But it’s hard to reconcile the adolescent he knew with the mature, beautiful woman who stands before him. Soon he's questioning if everything the media is claiming about Pippa is the truth, or if he should trust his heart.

7) Congratulations on your recent release of Tempted by Trouble, what was your inspiration for writing Pippa and Marco’s story?

The initial inspiration came from the tabloids and gossip magazines. At the time there was a small gang of young, female celebrities being photographed on a regular basis, often knickerless, drunk and behaving outrageously. I kept imagining what they would be like in five, ten years’ time and wondering if they would have changed. I also wondered whether other people’s perception of them would change too, or of they would only be remembered for their past antics. And so Pippa came into being – Pippa was that wild-child, but now she’s all grown up with a past that refuses to set her free.

8) Did the story flow from your finger tips or did some scenes take a bit of cajoling?

On the whole, it flowed for me (but occasionally hit a dam!).

9) I see Tempted by Trouble is your debut, how long did it take for the initial spark of the story to make it onto the page and then onto the publisher’s desk?

Erm, if I’m remembering rightly, it took about two months from when I first put fingers to keypad to when I submitted the partial.

10) Do you have a favourite paragraph or sentence from your story that you would like to tantalise us with?
“I’m sorry your ego demands that every woman you bonk immediately starts planning white dresses and babies, but I am not one of them.”
11) Over to you, what can you tell us about Tempted by Trouble, to make us rush out and buy it?

Tempted by Trouble is about love, hate and redemption. It’s about two people who care desperately for each other but are terrified of falling in love; Pippa because Marco rejected her once before and it almost destroyed her. Marco despises the attraction he has for her, holding Pippa responsible for his own life almost being destroyed seven years ago.

12) What can we expect from you next? Is there something you are working on right now?

My debut Harlequin Presents / Mills & Boon Modern, The Rings That Bind, which should be released on the 23rd July, which I am very excited about. Currently I am working on revisions for my second Presents, which should be releases early in 2014.

QUICK FIRE ROUND – it’s pop quiz time…

13) Plotter or pantser?

Pantser – I can’t plot to save my life!

14) Secret Seven or Famous Five? (please tell me you know them!?)

Ooo – I think I must have read every Secret Seven and Famous Five book a dozen times. I know it’s not one of the options, but my favourite Enid Blyton series was The Five Findouters (and dog). If I have to choose between the two choices you gave me, it would have to be the Famous Five, with the caveat that I always wanted to punch Julian in the face for being such a sexist pig!

15) Digital books or print books?


16) Tea or coffee?

Tea (but I adore freshly brewed coffee).

17) Cats or dogs?


18) Extrovert or introvert?

I wish I could say I was the shy, retiring type, but that would be a big fat lie. I’m definitely an extrovert.

19) Save or spend?

Alas, I’m a spender.

20) Facebook or Twitter?

I use both but I’m definitely a Twitter Girl.

And that’s a wrap!

Thank you so much for taking part, Michelle, I wish you every success with your new release.

As a sucker for the Caribbean, and desperate for my fourth trip, I will have to make do with living vicariously through others for the moment, so have already added Tempted by Trouble to my TBR shelf.

To discover even more about Michelle, and to keep up with her latest projects and shenanigans, you can visit her at:

Website     Facebook     Twitter     Goodreads


One lucky winner can walk away with a copy of Tempted by Trouble, just leave a comment below to enter. The giveaway will close in a week's time, with the winner announced March 28th.

And there's MORE!

As part of Michelle's blog tour, there is also a $30 gift card up for grabs, with the winner getting to choose from Amazon, Amazon U.K., Barnes and Noble or Book Depository. The giveaway will be given at the end of the tour to one international winner.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


When no answer was forthcoming she turned her head, half-expecting him to have gone, but no. There he still stood, dressed for the office, his eyes narrowed, staring not at her but at the sheets of music.

“Did you write this?” he asked, his tone accusatory.

“No. I stole it from Mahatma Gandhi.”

His eyes flashed a warning. “Is this the piece you were playing yesterday when I got home?”

“Do you mean when you returned home yesterday and screwed me over this piano? Is that the piece you’re talking about?”

To witness his face harden gave her enormous satisfaction.

“I did not ‘screw you,’ ” he refuted grimly. “We made love. There is a difference.”

She shrugged. “You say to-may-to, I say to-mah-to. It’s the same difference. Anyway, we’re going off on a tangent. I assume you want something. You’ve already had your wicked way with me and declined a second helping, so I assume it must be about something else.”

“You’re upset,” he said, exhaling through his flared nostrils.

Well spotted, Einstein. “Not at all,” she lied airily. “You must be confusing me with someone who gives a shit—now what can I do for you?”

This time he made no effort to hide his anger, the fury on his face clear, and she sucked it in, revelled in it. Let him hurt. Let him experience a fraction of the pain he had put her through.

Buy it now…

ISBN-13: 9781622660544
Publisher: Entangled Publishing, LLC
Publication date: 3/11/2013

Sunday 10 March 2013

Just For Fun: Quick Fire Questions

I was recently tagged in a Facebook game of 'Quick Fire Questions', but just in case you missed it, here it is...

The rules:
If you've been tagged or you are reading this, you should copy all these questions, write your own responses, and tag me plus 9 other animals or vampires or ghosts… or humans!

To do this, go to 'notes' under tabs on your profile page, paste these...AND you must delete my answers and come up with your own. [remember this was on Facebook]

1. Morning, noon or night?


2. How do you like your steak?

Alive and mooing.

3. What was the last film you saw?

Flight of the Navigator was on TV the other night, I haven't seen it in over twenty years!

But if you mean at the cinema, it was Breaking Dawn pt. 2.

4. What's your favorite place to watch TV?

On the sofa at home.

5. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I love the Peak District and am very happy here, but still can't shake the notion of moving to Stirling, Canada, or possibly even further afield to New Zealand.

6. What did you eat for breakfast?

Milk chocolate crunchy nut clusters...mmmh!

7. What is your favorite cuisine?

Either Italian (pasta) or Chinese (Singapore-style vermicelli) - vegetarian option, of course.

8. What foods do you dislike?

Meat, fish, yogurt, cream cheese, celery...and more ;-)

9. What kind of car do you drive?

Peugeot 307 Estate

10. What are your favorite clothes?

Jeans and tops for three seasons a year, long gypsy skirt and vest top in the very brief British Summer.

11. Where would you visit if you had the chance?

Canada, New Zealand, the USA (a few days in New York was not enough), and back to the Caribbean.

12. Weapon of choice?

My own bodyguard?

13. Where would you want to retire?

I have no idea, but presumably somewhere near the kids.

14. Gold or Silver?

White gold, and if that's not possible, silver.

15. Where were you born?

Solihull, West Midlands, UK.

16. What is your favorite sport to watch?

The Olympics! But if I'm not allowed that, then football (soccer to my US friends).

17. Who do you think will not tag you back?

Does it matter? We're all busy people.

18. Underwear?

But of course! What else will hold me in and up, in all the right places?

19. Hard or soft? 

If we're talking eggs, then hard. If we're talking water, soft. If we're talking men, then they need to be a bit of both.

20. Sub or dom?

Depends on my mood.

21. Are you a morning or a night person?

Both, but isn't this this same as #1? 

22. Do you have any pets?

Yep, a rescue dog. He's a crazy black labrador/collie cross.

23. Any new or exciting news you'd like to share?

My debut story as Allie A Burrow, my wilder alter-ego for over 18s, is out THIS Friday. Woohoo!! It's called For One Night Only and is featured in Serviced, a military themed anthology from Breathless Press out March 1st. 

24. Nickname?

Aurelia B Rowl and Allie A Burrow are both pen names, so I guess they work as nicknames.

25.What is your best childhood memory?

Camping holidays with extended family, and playing sports on the central green with my cousins.

26. Favorite color?

My favourite colour is either red, burgundy, hot pink, or purple - all red based though!

27. Are you married?

Yes... it took me a few goes to get it right though.

28. Always wear your seat belt?

Always. I make my passengers wear theirs too. Who needs their head mashed through a windscreen?!

29. Been in a car accident?

Yes, but nothing major.

30. Any pet peeves?

Rude people, text speak, snoring, sniffing, poor grammar... I could be here all day LOL.

31. Work out preferences?

A brisk walk, or a session on the Wii on one of my various workout 'games'. I also love pilates but it's so darned expensive.

32. Favorite Flower?

Gypsophilia, and red roses.

33. Bed size?

Double, but hubby desperately wants a kingsize.

34. Do anything spontaneous lately?

I was a last-minute cyclist in a sponsored charity event to raise funds for brain tumour research. I also signed up for a charity tandem skydive this month. 

If you can spare a pound/euro/dollar/whichever, please go to

35. Like your job?

It doesn't get any better for me than being a mother and an author. 

36. Last Person you went to dinner with? 

My lovely little family.

37. What are you watching right now?

My 4 year-old daughter doing yoga on the Wii (she's into Wii Fit Plus today).

38. How many tattoos do you have?

None but I did once design one myself, only to be told it wouldn't really work. I certainly haven't ruled one out though.

39. Are you in love?

Yes, still. Even down the little tingles when I see him.

40. Have you jumped out of a perfectly good airplane?

Not yet, ask me again after July 28th.

41. Has your world ever been rocked?

Yep, not always in a good way though.

Oh, yay, I'm done.

[I was a good girl then and tagged nine Facebook friends - a mix of authors and reviewers - over on Facebook]

Thursday 7 March 2013

Twenty Questions with... Shelli Rosewarne

I am delighted to welcome Shelli Rosewarne onto my blog today, author of An Angel For The Tree as well as featuring in not one, but two anthologies out this month.

Shelli and I have enjoyed releases in the same imprints at the same time, so we have ‘met’ each other often in the land of social networking, yet I don’t really know all that much about her. I’m hoping a round of twenty questions will solve that, and help us all get to know Shelli that little bit better…

(Tip: Make sure you read to the very end ;-) )

ACT ONE – all about you…

Shelli Rosewarne had always wanted to be a writer. However, like with so many things, life and paying the bills got in the way and she worked in various jobs from call centers to shops to offices. She eventually realized that life is too short not to try and follow your dreams, and has recently had her first novella published with Breathless Press. She currently lives in Edinburgh with her long-suffering fiancé and slightly psycho cat. When not writing she loves reading, music and photography.

1) Have you always been a writer or is it something you fell into?

I loved writing when I was at school, we would get assignments in English to write stories and everyone else would have done a few paragraphs and mine would be about ten pages long! At the time though it didn’t really occur to me that it was something you could do for a living – definitely never mentioned by the careers advisors. I would still do odd scribbling but I lost confidence in it a lot as I got older and only really got back into a few years ago after taking a Creative Writing course.

2) Do you have a particular writing style or ritual?

Not really, I’m a complete pantser so I tend to just sit down at the computer and see what comes to me. I don’t like complete silence, I tend to have either music or more likely background television on. I’m a little odd though as it has to something that’s watchable but not too exciting – as then I’ll get distracted. Yup, I am weird!

3) Is there a book or an author that has influenced you in your writing?

I read a lot of fantasy authors so elements of fantasy or mythology do tend to show up in a lot of my books. I love authors like Christine Feehan and Sherrilyn Kenyon who combine romance and fantasy really well.

4) Is there one piece of writing (or life?) advice that has stuck with you, or that you would like to share? 

I think the main thing is just to write and keeping writing. I put off doing it for quite a while as I was worried that nothing I wrote would be any good. If you write nothing though then you’ll never know. Also, something that stuck with me was that as writers we often put higher expectations on ourselves than other creatives. You wouldn’t expect someone to instantly be able to paint a masterpiece or play a concerto on the piano, they need to practice and hone their craft. It’s the same with writing; don’t expect to be amazing straight away.

5) Can you tell us three things about yourself that we probably don’t already know?

Erm, let’s see. When I’m not writing I also do wedding photography, so I just can’t get away from the romance! Saying that I’m probably well on the way to the record for longest engagement at twelve years and counting. I’m also a bit of a geek – I used to play wow, dungeons and dragons and criticise the X-Men movies when they don’t match up to the original comics. Hmm, that may be giving away enough for today J  

6) What five luxury items or gadgets would you hate to be without?

I probably would be lost without my laptop but apart from that I’m not really a big gadget person. I do need my Diet Coke – does that count as a luxury item? But that’s more for the benefit of everyone around me. I don’t function well without my caffeine!

ACT TWO – all about your new release…

Available now...
In ancient times, women were regarded as sacred. They were thought to hold the mystical power of creation—responsible for the continuation of our species. With the rise of science and religion, these myths were dispelled and their plight began.
HerStory: Fiction Honoring Women’s History Month is a collection of flash fiction and short stories from today's top authors featuring female characters that exemplify strong strength of mind, body, and character. Some of these tales are based on real people while others are purely fictional. However, all are standing up for themselves and what they believe in.
Grab yourself a glass of wine or favorite hot beverage and get comfortable as you read about the lives of women who will light the fire in your soul.

7) Congratulations on your forthcoming anthology HerStory; I gather you story is based on a real person and a real event, what can you tell us about it without giving too much away?

It is based on a local history event from the area where I grew up. It used to be a mining town and in the 1960s there was an explosion in the pit there. The story follows Maud, who was the resident nursing sister on site at the time. At the time women were strictly forbidden from going underground, so by attempting to help the injured Maud was not only risking her life but braving disapproval and the possible loss of her career.

8) I understand HerStory is a collection of short stories celebrating Women’s History Month; can you tell us how you got involved?

I saw a call out for it on book blog run by Tara Chevrestt, who has been amazing at getting all this organised. I thought what a wonderful thing it would be to get involved in. I’d had Maud’s story in the back of my mind for a while. I’d seen her mentioned in press releases about the accident and it had sparked my imagination, so it seemed like the perfect time to write it.

9) Do you have a favourite paragraph or sentence from your story that you would like to tantalise us with?

It was like stepping into another world. The darkness was so thick she could barely see a few steps in front of her. The lights from their helmets and the lantern one of the men carried reflected off the gray walls. As they moved away from the entrance, the passages became narrower, the roof lower. Maud could almost feel the dirt and stone pressing in on her. The light of the day didn’t penetrate here and she could feel the cold and damp seeping through the heavy overalls. She tried to take deep breaths, but that just seemed to fill her lungs with dust and she found herself coughing.

10) HerStory is not your only release this month, what can you tell us about A Chance At Love, as featured in the Serviced anthology from Breathless Press? 

Yup, I’m a busy bee this month! A Chance at Love is a military themed romance: 

Suzanne had always told her big brother that being a soldier was too dangerous, so when she sees the uniformed officer in front of her house she knows exactly what he’s here to tell her. While Aidan may set her blood on fire, Suzanne has already lost one soldier she loved and she’s not prepared to trust her heart to another one.

11) Over to you, what can you tell us about either HerStory or Serviced, to make us rush out and buy them? 

Well, they are quite different reads – but then we all like different reads at different times, don’t we? Serviced is about hot and steamy romances with some lovely, feel-good happy endings. HerStory is celebrating strong, inspirational women who were standing up for what they believed in, even against the obstacles of their time.

12) What can we expect from you next? Is there something you are working on right now?

I have quite a few in the pipeline at the moment. I’ve just finished a sci-fi romance, which has been really fun to do, so I’m hoping to get that subbed soon. Plus I have a few paranormal romances and a suspense that are currently in progress.

QUICK FIRE ROUND – it’s pop quiz time…

13) Plotter or pantser? 

Complete panstser

14) Secret Seven or Famous Five? (please tell me you know them!?)

Famous Five definitely, I always loved Timmy!

15) Digital books or print books?

I do love how much easier digital books can make it to try new authors and, of course, to get published. But I must admit there’s just something about print that makes me prefer it. I like the feel, the smell, the ‘proper’ turning of the pages. I think there’s still room for both.

16) Tea or coffee?

Neither, I’m a Diet Coke addict though.

17) Cats or dogs?

Cats. I suppose it depends what you have, I always used to be a dog person as a kid because we only had dogs, then when I moved out and got my cat she converted me!

18) Extrovert or introvert?

Introvert, though I have my moments.

19) Save or spend?

I rarely have anything spare to have to worry about that lol.

20) Facebook or Twitter?

Facebook definitely. I’m on Twitter, but to be honest it baffles me.

And that’s a wrap!

Thank you so much for taking part, Shelli, I wish you every success with your new releases. To find out even more about Shelli, and keep up with her projects, you can visit her at:

Facebook     Blog     Twitter

Buy it now...

ISBN: 9781938397509
Words: 82,165 (approximate)

Release Date: March 1, 2013

(More links to come)

ISBN: 978-1-77101-022-1
Heat Rating: 5 (adult content!)
Word Count: 65386
Release Date: March 1, 2013

Breathless Press (20% discount in March)
Amazon / Amazon UK
All Romance eBooks / Bookstrand
Barnes & Noble / iTunes (coming soon)


Here it is:

Since Aurelia has been lovely enough to have me over then I better do something to earn my keep! Simply leave a comment and you could win a free copy of whichever of my two anthologies you would prefer. See, I look after you J

Didn't I say you'd want to read right to the very end?

Wednesday 6 March 2013

IWSG: Foibles

March already!

Wow. Time for another IWSG post then...

What is the IWSG and how do I join?

Have you ever had a hatred of something, possibly even a borderline phobia, that could potentially affect your decision making process when it comes to your career?

I don't mean anything risky or potentially life-threatening, just something ordinary, that other folk have no issue with whatsoever. The kind of thing that makes people look at you like you have two heads when you confess you have an issue with it.

For me, it's telephones.

I hate them.

Well, not the phone itself per sé - try and separate me from my mobile and it could result in a fight to the death - but I don't use the darn thing for talking to people. Good grief, no, the very idea triggers a rush of anxiety and makes my stomach clench.

I can begrudgingly use the phone to make an appointment, or resolve an issue, I just can't stand "chatting" on the thing. No thanks. It makes me feel trapped like a caged animal. Yet I'll happily make a quick call to meet you somewhere face-to-face, assuming a text message isn't suitable or instant enough.

So how on earth could my phobi-hatred of phones affect my writing career? of the publishers I have on my wishlist always offers a contract by phone. Or Skype. Always. (GAH!) Never in writing from what I can gather, and  it's even known as 'the call', like it's some big eureka-type experience. (Which I accept it is in some ways.)

Could I bring myself to submit to a publisher, when the possibility of good news and the offer a contract fills me with absolute dread?

No, honestly - could I? - because I'm really not sure.

The fact that the publisher insists on actually speaking to their authors, rather than engaging in emails or web-chat, could push them down the pecking order in favour of a publisher who happily engages in other methods of communication.

It's a funny old conundrum, isn't it?

You can stop looking at me like I have two heads now. Please?! I'm sure I'm not the only one :-/

Which brings me back to my opening question; do you have any foibles, or phobias, that could potentially affect your career?

Sunday 3 March 2013

Twenty Questions with... Tiffany Carmouche

I am delighted to welcome Tiffany Carmouche onto my blog today, author of The Imposter and the newly released sequel, Obsession and Sacrifice, book two in The Alaska Trilogy.

I've actually been trying to post this for several days but got caught up with a new release, so here we go at last with another round of twenty questions as we try to get to know Tiffany that little bit better…

ACT ONE – all about you…

1) Have you always been a writer or is it something you fell into?

I have to say, hearing the voices inside my head is... maybe why I had no friends growing up... Now I pretend my insanity is my literary genius at work.

I do think that we are born with a sense of wonder, some of us let it die when we take on responsibility. Others of us vow to embrace the Peter Pan Syndrome and keep our imaginary friends forever! I think I have always been a writer. There was a time I did let that side of me die and it wasn’t until I began writing again did I realize how much of me I had let slip away.

2) Do you have a particular writing style or ritual?

I love to wrap a cover around me and sit on the bed in a quiet house with my laptop. I have no ritual although I think for fun I may have to develop one. When my muse is being sassy though, I do like to listen to music so maybe she will start dancing and loosen up and give me some inspiration.

3) Is there a book or an author that has influenced you in your writing?

It is really bad. I know you are going to hate me. But I don’t read a lot. I know I will be hung by my toe nails and stoned at dawn... I just don’t have time. I homeschooled my kids so when I read it was something educational. As far as inspiration, my father was an author. Growing up I would hear him make popcorn all the time on his typewriter. My mom was an artist. I think they let me realize at a young age that expressing yourself through the arts is important.

4) Is there one piece of writing (or life?) advice that has stuck with you, or that you would like to share?

My dad use to travel the country doing talks to schools and conferences. He made this big sign that said “What if?” How magic are those two words!? Anytime you are stumped ask yourself those two little words...the possibilities are endless. I have heard a lot of other authors using it nowadays, it makes me smile because I doubt they know where it began. The other thing is just do it. Your style is your own. Create. And don’t worry about perfection at first--just get your ideas down. Then go back and polish them once you have it all written.

5) Can you tell us three things about yourself that we probably don’t already know?

I’m a least that is what Jenna Pizzi, author of the Destined Series, calls me. I’m 4’11. Yes, I’m a munchskin! Power to the short people!

I cry when I’m happy and sad. I am one of those pathetic people that cry during the Taster Choice coffee commercials.

I dream of going on a worldwide couch surfing tour! I would love to see the world (and our beautiful country for that matter). Do any of your readers have a couch they would like to offer J

6) What five luxury items or gadgets would you hate to be without?


Electricity – We so take it for granted!

My computer-my baby!

My phone

My car

ACT TWO – all about your new release…

7) Congratulations on your recent release of Obsession and Sacrifice. I have read online that the character for Nicole was by inspired by your own experiences; what can you tell us about her?

Yes, Nicole’s character is naive, sassy and hard headed and adventurous like me.

8) Did the story (so far!) flow from your finger tips or did some scenes take a bit of cajoling?

I don’t write when I don’t feel an inspiration. There is too many other things that I need to do. I would say that it flowed from my finger tips when the muse struck.

9) How long did it take for the initial spark of the story to make it onto the page?

I began writing during the Nano Challenge. So I wrote the first book in a month-the second in 3 because I was still working through edits of the first. For beta readers and edits it took 13 months for both books in total from inspiration to being published. (There is a lot of down time during Beta readers and edits that you just twiddle your thumbs and wait J )

10) Do you have a favourite paragraph or sentence that you would like to tantalise us with?

Sneak peak Obsession and Sacrifice ©2012 Tiffany Carmouche

“ ...My lips parted, too shy to say how much I wanted it, but hoping he would try again.

The moisture in his eyes glistened with the light of the flame, but he quickly wiped it away.

“You’re alive,” he whispered, almost as if he didn’t believe it. “You’re alive.”

As he gazed at my lips, a tingle entered my stomach, replacing the annoying growl. He leaned in to kiss me, but I had no idea who this sexy stranger was and a kiss could open doors I wasn’t ready to enter, even though his lips looked so appetizing...”

11) Over to you, what can you tell us about The Alaska Trilogy, to make us rush out and buy the first two instalments?

(I have more than twenty 5 star reviews) I thought I would share some instead.

"At first, I wasn't sure if I would like this book (The Impostor) because it's a romance novel, or so I thought. This book is so much more than just a romance novel. It is perfectly written. I was in tears at one point. Throughout the whole story I was on the edge of my seat, yelling (in my head) at the characters. BAMM!! Shit goes down. You’re now at the end of the book left with the biggest cliffhanger ever. Luckily for me, I had book two sitting next in line.”~ Justine Vandale

“The Impostor ...was fast paced and intriguing, sucking me in from the moment that I began reading it. If every author’s debut novel was this amazing, there would be millions of best sellers. That’s how impressed I was with this book. The characters were amazing and fleshed out, avoiding the cliché moments that most characters seem to find themselves in these days. And can I just say, Dylan is WOAH! He’s my new book boyfriend. Don’t get any ideas. There’s suspense, romance, mystery...this book has it all. No matter what genre you normally read, you will definitely enjoy this book. I have been in a book funk lately, unable to really find a book that could make me forget where I am, but this book did that for me.”~ Review done by R&M Fab Book Reviews

“Obsession and Sacrifice was a riveting story that tugged at my heart even more. It simply blew me away. I haven't read any of Tiffany's book until I read this series. Her writing is so beautiful and so read that I can't wait to read her other books now. Obsession and Sacrifice picks up right where The Impostor left off. This story was beautifully crafted and well thought out. I was so enthralled with the story that I had no clue what was going on around me. I was drawn into the story and felt everything the characters felt. It was as if I was right there with them the whole time. I loved that about this book!!!”

“There were so many twists and turns in this book that it left me breathless.” ~Kristina Snyder

“Obsession and Sacrifice is a romantic suspense of epic proportions.” ~Becky Johnson

“…A crazy thrill ride and I never want to get off.” ~Justine Vandale

“Awaiting breathlessly for number three.” Liz DiMaggio

“…Outstanding romance, intrigue, suspense & action.” ~Nicki Wilson

“Intrigue, Deception, Romance and the beauty of the rugged Alaskan landscape…are the settings for Tiffany Carmouche’s masterpiece of writing.” ~ Theresa Stuart

12) What can we expect from you next? Is there something you are working on right now, or is it all about getting the third book of the trilogy written?

I am working on the third book in the trilogy. And I am writing Out of the Shadows. It is about people overcoming abusive situations to give hope to the people who are still trying to break free. (I am accepting submissions from people who have escaped an abusive situation) You can expect some of my poetry out this year and some spin offs of this series. I have a lot of ideas that are ready to be written it is just finding the balance between living life and writing about it. I like to do both. Imagine that J

QUICK FIRE ROUND – it’s pop quiz time…

13) Plotter or pantser?

Both J Sorry it depends on the muse for the day J

14) Secret Seven or Famous Five? (please tell me you know them!?)

I don’t L

15) Digital books or print books?

Print, there is nothing like curling up in bed or in front of a fire with a paperback!

16) Tea or coffee?


17) Cats or dogs?

I have both. Racoons are my favorite and I really would love a horse or a Big cat like a tiger. That would be awesome!

18) Extrovert or introvert?

Both. It really depends where I am, and who I am around.

19) Save or spend?

Ask me that again when I have a fortune lol.

20) Facebook or Twitter?

Facebook, although I want to get the hang of twitter I haven’t yet. I look forward to jumping into that world as well. I hear only good things!

And that’s a wrap!

Thank you so much for taking part, Tiffany, I wish you every success with your series and must say, I’m intrigued, so I will be adding them to my TBR list.

To find out even more about Tiffany, and keep up with her projects, you can visit her at:

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The Imposter, A Love Story

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Obsession and Sacrifice:
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