Hey everyone!
The school holidays are over and the kids are back at school so I figured an update was long overdue, especially with lots of exciting stuff still to come this year.
WalkTen (c) ABR |
Our summer started with the kids' sponsored 10K walk at Tatton Park to raise funds for Marie Curie, which The Hub and I therefore did too, but it was a lovely evening rounded off beautifully with fireworks.
We then took ourselves off to North Wales for a couple of weeks over the holidays. The weather wasn't great but we still managed to get around several castles, a spooky house in Conway, the Welsh Mountain Zoo, and various jaunts to the beach.
Puffin Island (N. Wales) (c) ABR |
The good and bad thing about where we stay is the lack of phone signal, let alone no WiFi, so I always find it hard when I'm such an internet junkie. On the upside, I got a lot of reading done once the kids were in bed for the night which you can see on my 'Just Finished' shelf on Goodreads if you're interested.
On the writing front, the year so far has been all about Malice, the mean girl from
Popping the Cherry, and getting her story down on paper. All being well,
A Girl Called Malice will be hitting the virtual shelves on October 3rd and I
cannot wait for you to read her story. In associated news,
Popping the Cherry is being repackaged with a new cover to tie in with
A Girl Called Malice so I hope to have those to share with you soon. All very exciting!
Also coming soon is the re-release of
Christmas is Cancelled on December 1st and I cannot begin to tell you how thrilled I am for my debut story to be taken under the Harlequin wing. Sadly it will mean a new cover, even though I adore the original one, but I have high hopes for what the Carina UK team will come up with.
Next up is an 'Allie' project but after that, it's back into the world of
Popping the Cherry to get stuck into books 3 and 4. I've already been given the nod by my editor so book 3 is going to be Nathan's story and book 4 will be Flick's story assuming everything goes to plan. Even though the books are all interlinked, with the storyline and timelines overlapping, you can read them as standalone stories and out of order if you don't mind the spoilers in the subsequent books.
If anybody is interested in joining my team,
Aurelia's Antics, on
Facebook and/or
Goodreads to get sneak previews and hidden insights along with access to advance review copies, just send a request to join or get in touch.
Anyway, even waffling, I have a book trailer to make and much to do (including a new release as Allie this month) so I'd better crack on with it. Next time I post, it will hopefully be with gorgeous new covers so make sure you're following me.
Bye for now,
Aurelia x