
Friday 20 July 2012

Update: New Year's Resolutions 2012

Somehow, we're already halfway through 2012 (don't ask me where the time has gone!) so I thought it was about time to catch-up with where I am on my New Year's Resolutions. If you missed the original post, you can read it here.

So, how am I doing?

1) Shed the extra 1-stone

Um. There's still time. Move along please...

2) Read 100 books

I'm up to 63 and right on course as I have loads I'm desperate to get onto as soon as I've finished my current WIP, which neatly brings me on to...

3) Complete the first draft of a full manuscript

I did it! I typed "the end" a couple of weeks ago but oddly enough, it wasn't on either of the two mentioned in the original thread. It was on a Christmas story I am working on and am now ploughing through the revised draft ready to submit as soon as possible. Then it's back to yet another newer one, The Last Goodbye, to try and get that finished as the first draft is already two-thirds complete.

How are your New Year's Resolutions going? 

Are you still on track or have they fallen by the wayside?


  1. Ha Aurelia. Great timing I was only thinking about this the other day. I said to someone my goal was to get published. They said it was a desire not a goal. I replied "A goal without desire is just a meaningless dream." Not my own words and I still can't find who originally said it. I must have had a heap of desire...Tree Change will be published before the end of the year and Lily's Leap early next year. It's only half way through this year so maybe I can desire a whole lot more!!. But just for the record I haven't shed any kilos (never mind stones)!
    Great post.

    1. Thanks Tea (I have no idea how to get the accent in blogger?), that sounds like a fantastic goal to me and I'm so pleased for how your year has gone. Maybe that can be my goal for next year if I don't scrape in this year.


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