So... stick the kettle on, pull up a seat and let's get to know Shelli better with a round of twenty questions...oh, and keep an eye out for the giveaway at the end ;-)
ACT ONE – all about you…
Shelli Rosewarne had always had a dream in the back of her head about wanting to be a writer, from the time she was handing in ten page stories at primary school and driving her teachers crazy. However, like with so many things, life and paying the bills got in the way and she worked in various jobs from call centers to shops to offices. She eventually realized that life is too short not to try and follow your dreams, and has since had her first stand alone novella published with Breathless Press, along with several submissions in anthologies, another novel contracted for later in the year and various works in progress in the pipeline. Yup, she's having to pinch herself as well! She currently lives in Edinburgh with her long-suffering fiancé and slightly psycho cat. When not writing she loves reading, music and photography.
I loved writing at school but it was never exactly pushed as a viable career option! After college I didn't write anything for a long time, I think more down to lack of self confidence and fear that I wouldn't be able to write anything good. Then I ended up taking a short Creative Writing class, started scribbling and just didn't want to stop!
2) Do you have a particular writing style or ritual?
Not really. I suppose like most writers I have a lot of other commitments so while I would love to be able to write every day between set hours then sadly that very rarely happens. When I do write I'm a complete pantser – and that is actually one of the things I love most about writing. It's like going along on the journey with the characters and most of the time I have no more idea what's going to happen than they do.
3) Is there a book or an author that has influenced you in your writing?
It would be hard to pick one I think. I've always read a huge amount of fantasy and romance, so when I discovered authors like Sherrilyn Kenyon and Christine Feehan combining the two that was a big influence for me.
4) Is there one piece of writing (or life?) advice that has stuck with you, or that you would like to share?
I think probably the main one is that writer's write! For a long time I kind of wanted to write but I would constantly put it off – I think I was too worried that whatever I wrote wouldn't be 'perfect' or as good as the authors I love. In the end I bit the bullet, started writing and of course it was nowhere near perfect (or even reasonably good at that point!). But it was a start – and once I did start then I could practice and work on my writing and edit, edit, edit. :)
5) Can you tell us three things about yourself that we probably don’t already know?
Erm, let's see... I'm a bit of a fantasy and sci-fi geek. I'm also a wedding photographer, so I end up surrounded by romance :) Plus, I'm a huge Rockband fan – my neighbours are probably not!
6) What five luxury items or gadgets would you hate to be without?
To be honest, I'm not that into gadgets. I do love my laptop so that would have to be one. Does chocolate count as a luxury or a necessity?
ACT TWO – all about your new release…
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Click here for excerpt |
Emma needs to find an escaped zombie!
With lives on the line, the only person who can help is the man who broke her heart.
Emma Strachan is a professional witch and quite frankly a zombie raising should be all in day's work. Now, though, something has gone horribly wrong and with lives on the line Emma is forced to turn for help to the one person she never wanted to see again.
When Emma Strachan shows up on Garret's doorstep he knows she must be in trouble – after all nothing else would bring her to his door. Still, he never imagined a zombie gone rogue, or that the blazing attraction between them would be as strong as ever.
As Emma and Garret risk their lives to track down the missing zombie can they put aside past insecurities and trust in each other – before it's too late.
7) Congratulations on your recent release of Love Reawakened, what was your inspiration for writing Emma and Garret's story?
I originally saw a call out from Breathless Press for zombie-themed submissions. I'm actually a complete wuss when it comes to things like that – I have to watch horror films from behind the sofa! – so my first thought was 'not for me'. But an idea kept nagging at the back of my mind and before I knew it I was jotting down a few ideas and was up to chapter three :)
8) Did the story flow from your finger tips or did some scenes take a bit of cajoling?
Most of it actually flowed really well – some bits even too well as some of the secondary characters kept trying to take over! The end was a little tricky as I knew it wasn't going to have a conventional happy ending from some points of view and that was quite hard to balance.
9) How long did it take for the initial spark of the story to make it onto the page and then onto the publisher’s desk?
It was very quick! Because I'd been dawdling a bit to commit to the initial idea by the time I actually started writing it properly there were only a few weeks left before the deadline so it was fully written in less than a month and subbed immediately. I kept noticing mistakes in it for days afterwards but luckily my lovely editor still accepted it and didn't complain about the red pen needed all over the first copy :)
10) Do you have a favourite paragraph or sentence from your story that you would like to tantalise us with?
Shocked gasps came from behind her, but the vibrations were already running through the ground. Quickly she smeared the blood around the edges of the circle. The energy was rising now; waves spreading out as she could feel the hairs on her arms standing up and tiny tremors through the soles of her shoes. She drew a final symbol in the blood on the gravestone itself, the rough stone grazing her fingers and making the lines awkward.
"Patrick Connell rise. Come from your grave at my command, rise from your sleep at my bidding."The earth in front of her practically bubbled now, and then it parted and a tall figure emerged. Neil almost shrieked behind her but her attention stayed focused on the corpse in front of her. He was newly dead and so perfectly preserved. In fact, gazing at him, you would barely know the difference if you saw him walking down the street. She was quite proud. She didn't do this spell much, but this was a damn good raising!"Patrick Connell, you have been raised at my command. You will do as I say and nothing more, bound to me by blood and magic. Do you understand and obey?"The corpse looked at her, surprising clarity in his deep blue eyes. She didn't think she'd ever raised one this 'new' before and it was actually a little disconcerting how alive he looked. He'd obviously been a handsome man, tall with broad shoulders, thick dark hair, strong jaw, and quite startling eyes. Then he opened his mouth and said a single word."No."
11) Over to you, what can you tell us about Love Reawakened, to make us rush out and buy it?
It has a sassy witch, a slightly battered round the edges necromancer, some action, romance, *ahem* slightly steamy scenes and a zombie cat called Mittens. What more could you want? :)
12) What can we expect from you next? Is there something you are working on right now?
Lots of exciting things going on at the moment! I'm actually currently a finalist in the Piatkus Entice Romance Writing competition. The next stage is all down to public vote, so if anyone would like to drop by and if you like my chapters then put a vote in, I would really appreciate it.
Apart from that, I'm working on a shifter novella with a bit of a Red Riding Hood twist, and some of the secondary characters from 'Love Reawakened' will be getting their own story soon as well.
QUICK FIRE ROUND – it’s pop quiz time…
13) Plotter or pantser?
Complete panster!
14) Secret Seven or Famous Five? (please tell me you know them!?)
Of course I do! Famous Five definitely, I was a bit of a tomboy when I was a kid so I always related to George, and I loved Timmy the dog.
15) Digital books or print books?
Hmm, that's a toughie. I must admit that I do have a soft spot for print books, there's just something about the feel of them in your hands. That said, I can't deny the convenience of digital (especially after holidays where half my suitcase would be full of books!), not to mention the extra opportunities to be published because of digital books and the fact that the cheaper price can make readers more inclined to try new authors. I do think there's room for both!
16) Tea or coffee?
I'm a little weird because I don't drink either. I am a Diet Coke addict though so still get my caffeine fix!
17) Cats or dogs?
Well, since my cat is currently half sprawled across the laptop, I think I better say cats :)
18) Extrovert or introvert?
Introvert, though I have my moments.
19) Save or spend?
I'm usually skint so it rarely comes up :)
20) Facebook or Twitter?
Facebook. I am trying to get into Twitter more but I just don't get it as much. Maybe I just need a 'twitter for dummies' session.
And that’s a wrap!
Thank you so much for taking part, Shelli, I wish you every success with your new release and congratulations on being chosen as one of three finalists in the Piatkus Entice Romance Writing competition. Remember folks, there is still time to vote for her entry, Psychic Shadows.
Lieutenant Shannon Dempsey had always known she was different, that she could see and hear things that others couldn’t. When she finds a frightened boy at the scene of a murder, it leads her to a mysterious man who may hold the answers she’s been seeking all her life.
Forced to work with David, Shannon can’t deny the blazing attraction between them or the lure of someone who finally shares her talents. But what is the shadowy agency that David works for, and what is their connection to the murder she’s investigating? Can he really provide answers, or just danger?
To discover even more about Shelli Rosewarne, and to keep up with her latest projects, you can visit her at:
Facebook Twitter Blog
Buy it now…
Release date: October 11 2013
Published by: Breathless Press
Breathless Press
On Amazon etc from Friday!
Just leave a comment and you'll be entered into my Rafflecopter giveaway. Prizes include a zombie themed mini book bag, a spooky halloween phone cover and a witchy (and lavender scented) keyring – who said scary can't be cute! I'm also giving away a free copy of Love Reawakened in the ebook format of your choice. Good luck :)
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