
Friday 29 June 2012

My poor neglected blog

Oh dear, it's been a month since I said I would get back into the swing of things on here.


But in my favour, at the time of writing it, my deadline was June 10th and I thought I'd have more time. Instead, the deadline got changed to July 10th and I've been a busy bee working on a special Christmas & New Year related story.

At the beginning of the month, I went on holiday with my family and my in-laws, staying in a gorgeous villa in a lovely resort in Majorca soaking up some much needed sunshine and we all had a lovely time. The laptop went too so I could carry on with the WIP (still thinking I had to submit the day after I got back) but didn't have internet so couldn't do any updates.

Soon after we got back, I was struck with some sort of lurgy, a week of headaches culminating in a nasty stomach bug. It was 3 days before I could eat again and a couple more days of not daring to go out without a bowl (sorry, too mich information). Unfortunately, this was all in the week's run-up to my Race For Life but more about that next.

So, last weekend was a very busy one and I got little to no writing done at all.

Grey day.
First thing on the calendar was my Race For Life at Tatton Park in Cheshire. My trainers had vanished into thin air cue a panic trip to a sports shop to pick up some new ones on the way. Not the best start, plus the weather forecast was dire with parts of the North West flooded and the event under threat of cancellation.

As mentioned in a previous post, I chose that particular date for my 'race' because it was the anniversary of my Nan's death and it seemed a fitting tribute to her. Well, as soon as I'd crossed the start line, the sun came out. And it stayed out until right after I'd crossed the finish line when the grey skies rolled in again and the rain was falling by the time I got back to the car. I swear she made the sun shine for me so, "Thanks, Nan."

£132 raised!
I did my best to run the whole course but having been so ill the week before, I was weak and just didn't have it in me. I managed to run the first 1K and then did a combination of fast-walking and jogging before running the last 500m including a sprint finish when I saw the finish line ahead. Think 'woman posessed' and you wouldn't be for wrong, I didn't even hear or see my family cheering me on even though they were right at the front. I crossed the line in a fairly respectable 45 minutes but the most important thing was the fact I'd raised £132 in sponsorship for doing it. I must say a huge 'THANK YOU' to all my sponsors.

Next on the calendar was my 3-year-old daughter's first dance show. She had the Saturday night performance to contend with - and I had the nightmare of having to do my first "ballet bun" and still shudder at the memory of putting make-up on her - and then we all went to see her in the Sunday afternoon performance. Little Miss did so well and looked unbelievably tiny (and CUTE!) on the stage as she strutted her stuff as a caterpillar in the Ugly Bug Ball.

Throw in the Euro 21012 football tournament (yes, I love football) and far too much time wasted online - mainly Facebook and reading other blogs - as well as reading a couple of sequels I couldn't resist, and you can see why I didn't get around to updating my blog. The good news is, I have a number of Advance Release Copies to read and review so those will be appearing soon. I have also updated my Writing Zone with my current WIP and I have been doing my best to keep my Reading Zone up to date as well as Goodreads.

Anyway, I've got writing and editing to do... I'll try not to be away so long next time ;o)

In the meantime, why not tell me what you've been up to? 
Do you also find your time sucked away so that a month passes in the blink of an eye?

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